Place Scrutiny Committee – Work Programme

Note that a proposed updated work programme (following review at the Committee’s recent awayday) will be considered as part of the committee’s 30 September meeting agenda.

Current Scrutiny Reviews

Title of Review


Proposed Completion Date

Scrutiny Review of Procurement

A scrutiny review of Procurement which will focus on the Council’s approach to Social Value measurement and buying local initiatives as part of procurement activity across the Council. The review will also consider how Social Value can help achieve the Council’s objectives including reducing carbon emissions and other climate change measures.


November 2022

Initial Scoping Reviews

Subject area for initial scoping


 Proposed Dates

Highways Maintenance

The Committee has agreed to form a scoping board to explore the topic of highways maintenance, following the discussion at the 23 March 2022 meeting. The scoping board will examine previous scrutiny work in this area and review highways maintenance policies.


September 2022

List of Suggested Potential Future Scrutiny Review or Reference Group Topics

Suggested Topic


Climate Change

The Committee is considering establishing a review board to review the Council’s countywide work on climate change, which could look at countywide actions and how the Council works with other organisations (e.g. District and Borough councils) on this issue. It was agreed to add this as a potential scrutiny review topic to the Committee’s work programme and develop a draft terms of reference for consideration at the next meeting.

Economic Development.

The Committee has expressed an interest in the Economic Development work of the Council and has requested two reports. One to examine the Team East Sussex Economy Recovery Plan and another to explore how Economic Development Projects are selected and developed.  Following consideration of the reports the Committee may identify further scrutiny work in this area.


Scrutiny Reference Groups

Reference Group Title

Subject Area

Meetings Dates

Highways Contract Re-procurement

The Committee has re-formed the reference group to work alongside Officers on the next stages of the Highway Services Re-Procurement Project (HSRP). The next stages include the implementation of the procurement strategy, mobilisation and monitoring of the contract.

Ongoing to May 2023

Local Transport Plan (LTP4) – Reference Group

The Committee has agreed to form a Reference Group to work alongside officers on the development of the revised Local Transport Plan (LTP 4) focussing on sustainable transport issues.

1 Feb 2022 and then throughout 2022/23.

Climate Emergency Action Plan - update

The Council’s corporate Climate Emergency Action Plan was developed to cover the initial period 2020–2022. The Committee has agreed to form a working group to work with officers on the revision of the Council’s corporate Climate Emergency Action Plan.

July – October 2022

Reports for Information



Proposed Date

Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Points.

The Committee agreed to request a briefing on plans to develop and implement EV charging infrastructure in East Sussex.



To be agreed

Training and Development

Title of Training/Briefing


Proposed Date

Work Planning ‘Away Day’

To hold a work planning ‘away day’ to develop the Committee’s future work programme including developing priorities for work, examining any national policy developments highlighted in the State of the County report, and planning the Committee’s work related to the RPPR process.

6 September 2022

LTP Reference Group – Briefing on TfSE Strategic Investment Plan

The LTP Reference Group members will receive a briefing on the Transport for the South East (TfSE) Strategic Investment Plan as part of their work on the LTP

2 September 2022

Future Committee Agenda



30 September 2022 (moved from 21 Sept 2022)



Reconciling Policy, Performance and Resources (RPPR)

To continue the Committee’s work on the RPPR process for 2023/24, by reviewing Portfolio Plans and service based information.

Chief Executive / Senior Scrutiny Adviser

Economic Development.

To receive a report from the Economic Development Team on how projects are developed and selected for the available funding streams. The report will also include governance of projects and measuring outcomes.


Assistant Director, Economy

Work Programme

To consider items for inclusion in the Committee’s work programme:

·         Reports for future meetings

·         Scrutiny reviews and potential scrutiny reviews

·         Items from the Forward Plan

Senior Scrutiny Adviser

24 November 2022



Southern Water - sewage discharges*

The Committee has requested an item on Southern Water’s discharge of sewage into water courses and the sea in East Sussex, following a number of pollution incidents. The item will examine what action Southern Water is taking to reduce discharges and pollution incidents, and will seek a views from representatives from the Environment Agency and Ofwat who are the regulators.

Southern Water, Environment Agency, Ofwat, ESCC Flood Risk Management Team

Reconciling Policy, Performance and Resources (RPPR)

The Committee will examine any additional information requested at the September meeting and consider any updated RPPR information for 2023/24.

Chief Executive / Senior Scrutiny Adviser

Scrutiny Review of Procurement

To consider and approve the report of the Review Board on the Scrutiny Review of Procurement: Social Value and Buying Local.


Chair of the Review Board / Senior Scrutiny Adviser

Scrutiny Review of Road Markings

To receive the second update report on the implementation of the recommendations from the Scrutiny Review of Road Markings, including details of the work undertaken with additional expenditure in this area of work.


Assistant Director, Operations


Work Programme

To consider items for inclusion in the Committee’s work programme:

·         Reports for future meetings

·         Scrutiny reviews and potential scrutiny reviews

·         Items from the Forward Plan

Senior Scrutiny Adviser

28 March 2023



Reconciling Policy, Performance and Resources (RPPR)

The Committee will review its input into the RPPR budget setting process, and the impact of any recommendations or comments made by the Committee.

Chief Executive / Senior Scrutiny Adviser

Work Programme

To consider items for inclusion in the Committee’s work programme:

·         Reports for future meetings

·         Scrutiny reviews and potential scrutiny reviews

·         Items from the Forward Plan

Senior Scrutiny Adviser

14 July 2023



Reconciling Policy, Performance and Resources (RPPR)

To commence the Committee’s involvement with the RPPR process for 2024/25 by reviewing the information in the Quarter 4, end of financial year (2022/23) Council Monitoring report and the State of the County report.

Chief Executive / Senior Scrutiny Adviser

Work Programme

To consider items for inclusion in the Committee’s work programme:

·         Reports for future meetings

·         Scrutiny reviews and potential scrutiny reviews

·         Items from the Forward Plan


Senior Scrutiny Adviser

26 September 2023



Reconciling Policy, Performance and Resources (RPPR)

To continue the Committee’s work on the RPPR process for 2024/25, by reviewing Portfolio Plans and service based information.

Chief Executive / Senior Scrutiny Adviser

Work Programme

To consider items for inclusion in the Committee’s work programme:

·         Reports for future meetings

·         Scrutiny reviews and potential scrutiny reviews

·         Items from the Forward Plan


Senior Scrutiny Adviser

23 November 2023



Reconciling Policy, Performance and Resources (RPPR)

The Committee will examine any additional information requested at the September meeting and consider any updated RPPR information for 2024/25.

Chief Executive / Senior Scrutiny Adviser

Work Programme

To consider items for inclusion in the Committee’s work programme:

·         Reports for future meetings

·         Scrutiny reviews and potential scrutiny reviews

·         Items from the Forward Plan


Senior Scrutiny Adviser

Future Items – to be scheduled


To be agreed




*Date to be confirmed by Southern Water.